While we do offer this test-drive option, please make sure you are testing all of the theme functionality before buying any products, we do not offer refunds for things that are not shown on the demo. By using and creating a test-drive website, you agree to our terms and conditions. Note that all emails used to get the test-drive website can and will be used for advertising and will be included in the newsletter for our products only, promise we won’t spam – just new product launches and interesting articles we might have for you.
If you need to test out a theme compatibility with a certain plugin, please contact us via email so we could install the plugin for you. Note that not all plugins are accepted and will be installed, we keep the right to select the plugins we add to our servers.
You must understand that this is a testing only facility that we offer for our customers and there are some file upload limitations. All websites are created automatically and are automatically removed from our servers in up to 5 days. We do not hold responsibility for any information you might upload or keep on our servers, so make sure you do not upload any sensible data.
The test drive server it set to use the minimum requirements that are indicated in the theme descriptions, so please make sure you have the minimum requirements met when purchasing.