We’re very excited about the new products coming up in the following weeks, and really proud to present you a sneak peak of the upcoming theme – a stylish and clean magazine WordPress theme that will be any editors’ dream. The theme comes standard with our Touch Drag and Drop Layout Builder which was optimized and changed for better performance both back-end and front-end. With this, we’re coming with an update for our previous magazine themes (Tempest and Esquise) options, and building on that, there is no margin for error.
The new theme will have most of the Esquise options but will be more versatile, more optimized and even easier to use for users. We’re saving our custom posts for users to be easier to structure their data, added a bit more options for our post views and improved SEO and page optimization.
Stay tuned, this will be big!
UPDATE: It was launched recently! You can check it out here: http://touchsize.com/downloads/melodrama